Oak with Walnut Trim
Maple with Walnut Trim
Cherry with Walnut Trim
Each cross is aprox 14.5 inches wide and 24 inches high. An optional plaque can be hung frm the lower portion of the cross with your choice of a scripture verse or dedicatory statement
Fill out the form below and I will contact you via e-mail or phone to confirm your order and set a delivery time.(allow 2 weeks for production and delivery)
Street Address
City and State
Your e-mail address
PHONE- area code and number
$95.00 plus shipping
$95.00 plus shipping
$95.00 plus shipping
Oak with Walnut Trim
I would like the optional plaque  add $25.00                          (Verse or text chosen seperately)
Maple with Walnut Trim 
Cherry with Walnut Trim