Custom Fine Furniture by Alan Young

Custom Fine Furniture by Alan Young
114 Woodward Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
734 218-5803
I am working on a pair of Sheet Music Cabinets. One will go to Scottsdale Az the other to San Francisco. 
 I have completed the brass hardware for the Doors and Drawers. Combo-G-F clef is the Door handle, the G clef is for the drawer on each cabinet.
I went back to work on the individual shelves. The shelves are 1/2 inch plywood with hardwood pieces glued to the fronts. After glue-up there are rough glue edges that need to be planed and sanded smooth.
 I use this shooting board while planing the edges of each piece.
Here are all the shelves planed and sanded smooth.
I spread out other work on each cabinet. The I cut the inside panel moldings for the  Arizona Cabinet. These are loosely placed and will be stained black and the panels need the inlaid elements.
I started the side panel inlays on the Cabinets.
The top for the Art Deco Cabinet is fabricated and now being glued to the carcase.
Inlaid panels for the Art Deco Cabinet are being glued to the carcase.
After these set, moldings will be set around the panel gluing it to the frame.
Little Round Top for the Art Deco Cabinet, and moldings on the side