I  designed these pieces for Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Belleville, Michigan. Click the links for detailed pictures

Custom Fine Furniture by Alan Young
114 Woodward Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
734 218-5803
This recent piece is a Memorial Wall Hanging. 
I was commissioned to build this for a friend from college days. She in turn had a friend who's teenage son died quite unexpectedly. The young man loved the saxaphone. 
A Memorial Cross
Made from Walnut, Maple and Sapele.
77" H, 50" W

Custom Fine Furniture by Alan Young
114 Woodward Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
734 218-5803

@2022 alan young
This piece is a Case on Stand and was designed to hold this antique Bible for the First Congregational Church  of Ann Arbor.  You'll see this piece on several pages of my website as it falls under several categories including a table and liturgical furniture.
Apostolic Charge
Bethlehem III Cross 
King of Heaven Cross 
Broken Chains Cross 
 Gothic Cross 
Bethlehem Cross 
White Dove Cross 
Maloofian Cross
Bethlehem III
Point of Grace
Point of Grace  II
Point of Grace  III
Living Water
Southwest I
Celtic Cross
"Beauty and Offence"
Bethlehem II Cross 
Straight and Narrow
Wing Cross 1
Wing Cross 2
Celtic Cross  II
Sail On
Bethlehem IV
Wing Cross III
Word of God Cross 
Chapel Gothic Cross 
Celtic Cross  II
Point of Grace
Bethlehem II Cross 
Celtic Cross  III
Memorial Cross
Wing Cross III
 Gothic Cross 
Celtic Cross  IV
Capstone Cross
Adoption Cross
Reformation Cross 
Power and Glory 
Crown of Righteousness
This is Version II of a Case on Stand and was designed to hold an antique Bible for the Levy Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. made from Mahogany with gilded moldings and architectural features,  and Shop made Brass hardware and details. 
Here are two pieces built for liturgical use at Glacier Hill Retirement Center of Ann Arbor. 
Each piece is made from Solid Sapele and Sapele veneer 
with a finish in dye stain and Shellac.
The pieces are in an Art Deco Style.
Cross for Washtenaw Christian Academy. 
Wedding Cross
I designed and built two pieces for the William Perkins Library of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 
This Case on Stand with Reading Podiums was designed to hold a collection of Large Bibles and Historical Writings. This was completed in August, 2022
This Bible Case is a companion piece for the Torah Scroll Case on Stand. Built in August of 2021. 
Here is a fascinating commission. A pair of "Bible Cases." These cases will each hold a copy of the entire Bible translated from English to Korean. The translations were hand written by Suk Hun Kim-a 94 year old Korean woman for her church and for her family posterity. Click the photo for more details